With 48 GI-tagged goods to itscredit, UP is now 2nd in country

Uttar Pradeshhas achieved the second position nationally in terms of having the maximum number of Geographical Indication-tagged goods after receiving GI tags for three more ODOP crafts Mainpuri tarkashi,Mahoba Gaurastone craft, and Sambhal horn craft with the technical facilitation provided by the Varanasi-based NGO Human Welfare Association (HWA).

Naduhas maximum 55 GI-tagged goods while UP and Karnataka have 48 and 46 GI products, respectively. However, UP is first in terms of GI-tagged handicrafts with 36 crafts to its credit.

Currently Tamil Nadu has maximum 55 GI-tagged goods while UP and Karnataka have 48 and 46 Gi products, respectively. Among the 48 GI goods of UP, 36 products belong to the handicraft category. In Varanasi region alone, 18 GI-tagged goods out of 23 belong to the handicraft category.