With 1.25 lakh migrants returning to Uttarakhand, govt plans to restart CM Swarozgar Yojna

The Uttarakhand government had launched CM Swarozgar Yojna during last years lockdown with an aim to encourage migrants to stay back in Uttarakhand by helping them start their own ventures. Close to 10,000 people had applied under the scheme. With 1.25 lakh migrants back in Uttarakhand in the last two months, officials said that the government plans to invite fresh applications under the scheme.

According to the official data provided by the industries department, last year a total of 9,310 applications with the maximum of 1, 273 from Uttarkashi and 911 from Pauri were received for registration under the CM Swarozgar Yojna.

Of these, the loans have been approved for 3,904 projects. While the bank has rejected 3,265 applications, 168 applications are still under process.

Any person who has returned during the lockdown is allowed to register under the scheme. Under the scheme, one can start a project up to Rs 10 lakh in the service sector and up to Rs 25 lakh in the construction sector. For projects above Rs 25 lakh, the would provide the relief through MSME policy. A subsidy ranging from 15% to 25% in accordance to the project cost is given to the applicants. The maximum applications were received for homestays, agri-related projects, processing units and setting up private works.