Water levels in reservoirs dip in AP

Water levels in several major and medium reservoirs showed a dip in the summer. The current water storage level was at 428.63tmc-ft (43.58 per cent) against last years storage of 462.03tmc-ft (46.98 per cent) and against the gross capacity of full reservoir level at 983.4 tmc-ft on Tuesday.

Srisailam has a current storage of 33.91tmc- ft (15.71 per cent) against the gross capacity of 215.81tmc-ft, with the current reservoir level being at 809.3 feet.

Nagarjuna Sagar has a current storage of 152.21tmc-ft (48.78 per cent) against gross capacity at 312.05tmc-ft, with the current reservoir level being at 521.6 feet.