Villagers seek tourist spot tag for Marada

People of tinyMaradavillage in Ganjam districts Polasara block have urged the to declare it a tourist spot as it has connections with the Puri Jagannath Temple.

A 300-year-old Jagannath Temple stands in Marada, underMathura panchayat, sans the sibling deities. The temple, a marvellous example of Kalinga architecture, served as the hiding place for the deities of the Puri temple during 1733-1735, when temples were being targeted by invaders for destruction.

Sevayats and researchers of the Jagannath cult, who visited the place to study connection of Marada with the Puri temple about 15 years ago, had suggested to spread awareness about the significance of the village, known asSarana Srikhetra.