Vijayawada 2nd in drunken driving deaths

Vijayawada stands second among cities in the country in terms of deaths that occur due to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

A total of 7,039 people were killed and 19,675 persons suffered injuries in 17,924road accidentsinAndhra Pradeshin 2020 as per the latest data ofNCRBin its Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India-2020 report.

Of the 94 deaths reported in AP due to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in 2020, Vijayawada accounted for 67.

As per the cause-wise distribution of road accidents among cities in 2020, among the 53 cities, Vijayawada occupies the second position with 67 deaths, after Chennai (236 deaths). Though Kolkata reported 345 cases of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, it reported only two deaths and 338 injuries.