Vegetable farming most efficient tool to boost farmers income: BAU VC

Birsa Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture University (BAU) Vice Chancellor, ON Singh on Thursday said that vegetable production is the most efficient medium in increasing the income of farmers and latest vegetable production technology has an important contribution in doubling the income of farmers in the Country. The scientists of Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK) will have to make the farmers aware of the importance of off-season vegetable production and proper and timely use of advanced techniques in profitable farming of horticultural crops, he added.

Singh said this on the occasion of the conclusion of four-day training programme organized on ‘Doubling farmers’ income from technology’.

Special attention should be paid to the revival of mother plant nurseries in every KVK and to plant material and nursery production. Tissue Culture technology should be improved. To accelerate the development of the garden area at the district level, take cooperation from the local Harp Palandu and scientists of the Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology.