Uttarakhand to introduce modern farming tech in 9 hill districts

In one of the major steps to address the needs of locals, the directorate has now decided to generate livelihood for villagers living in the nine hill districts ofUttarakhandas per the changing Environment with the Climate responsive Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture system.

So, as per theWorld Bankapproved project — Uttarakhand Climate Responsive Rain-fedFarming Project, the State Government has now decided to introduce modern technologies and innovative ways to bring source of EMPLOYMENT at their doorstep keeping changing climate at the core of planning. Villagers will be provided different Options of farming and Livestock rearing so that the border areas and Mountains are not hit by the heat of Climate Change.

Uttarakhand is known for its Millets, pulses and rice. Even in the hills people have started complaining of huge variation between day and night temperature impacting their overall lifestyle, thereby earnings. It will be for the first time that in such a large scale, mountain people are being shifted to other kinds of farming.