Current Affairs Exam

Uttarakhand to come up with its own Himalayan brand of spices and vegetables

While inaugurating the three-day International Spices and Vegetable fest in Rishikesh.

Notably, Uttarakhand is among the frontrunners in producing spices, with 6.62 metric tonnes of spices being produced across one hectare of land. Overall, the state produces 96,282 metric tonnes of spices across 14,536 hectares, according to the Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture departments 2019-2020 data. The hill state is among the leading producers of seven spices — turmeric, garlic, chilly, coriander, fenugreek, ginger and black cardamom.

The fest is being attended by stakeholders from several countries — like Russia, Australia, America,Singaporeand others. While some will attend the event virtually, others have come to Rishikesh for the fest.

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