Current Affairs Exam

Uttarakhand records worst sex ratio in country at 844; Kerala best at 974

Uttarakhand’s sex ratio (number of females per 1,000 males) at birth was found to be the worst in the country at 844, and Kerala’s the best, at 974, according to the Sample Registration System (SRS) Statistical Report 2020, released by the Registrar General of India (RGI) on September 22.

The report stated that India’s overall sex ratio at birth had gone up by 3 points to 907 in 2018-20 from 904 in (the partly overlapping period of) 2017-19. It was 907 in rural areas and 910 in urban areas.

The ratio is possibly indicative of the number of pre-natal sex determinations and female foeticide cases.

Uttarakhand’s sex ratio, meanwhile, dwindled four points as it had stood at 848 in the last RGI report published for the 2017-2019 period.

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