Uttar Pradesh crosses 15 crore vaccination mark in a new milestone

Uttar Pradeshreached a new milestone in the Covid battle on Monday as the number of administered vaccine doses crossed the 15-crore mark in the state. This figure is over 33% more than the total number of doses administered in Maharashtra, the next contender state.

In terms of people, 10.62 crore individuals are partially vaccinated in the state, while 4.37 crore have taken both the doses. Considering that the total number of eligible persons in UP is 15.04 crore, this translates to over 29% of the Population being fully vaccinated and 71% just taking one vaccine dose. Lauding the achievement, senior Health officials directed the staff to sustain the pace till all eligible persons are vaccinated and appealed to people to come and take their due vaccine in individual and social interest.