UPPCL to revamp power generation, distribution

In a bid to reform the electricity generation, transmission and distribution system in Uttar Pradesh, the has directed the UP Power Corporation Limited to work on a mission mode to roll out the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) of the Centre and the state.

The state government has a 60 per cent stake in the RDSS.

The state government has instructed all power distribution companies (discoms) to prepare an action plan in order to offer consumers uninterrupted and secure power supply.

In Uttar Pradesh, there are around three crore households with electricity connections. The government said that before the upcoming summer season, work should begin on developing a plan to create a sturdy energy structure to ensure continuous power supply to all of the state’s energy consumers. The plan includes building new sub-stations, creating a seamless transmission and distribution system, and activating additional power generation units on a war footing to achieve the goal.

According to UPPCL Chairman M Devraj, the tendering process has been completed in numerous districts across the state. He said the state’s power Industry would undergo a significant change as a result of this plan.

The deadline for the complete implementation of the scheme is 20242025 and the Uttar Pradesh government has allocated a budget of Rs. 5,000 crore for this. Under this government scheme, which has been described as result-oriented, the aggregate technical and commercial loss (AT&C) will decrease to 12-15 per cent. Apart from this, the Average cost of supply and average revenue will be balanced and the power loss will be reduced to the barest minimum.

The scheme aims to provide 24-hour uninterrupted power supply to all the villages, towns and metros of the state. Moreover, in cases of a fault or breakdown affecting only one line, and to get rid of the problem of low voltage, armoured service cable will be utilised for safe power supply. In addition, for error-free and timely electricity bills, smart prepaid meters will be installed according to the plan. Also, separate switches will be installed to monitor each feeder.

The government will also provide funds to the newly formed municipal bodies in the state under Mukhyamantri Nagar Srijan Yojana to strengthen the power supply Network there.