Up to Rs 15 lakh for Goa Inc to pursue intellectual rights

To encourage innovation and product development, the is offering up to Rs15 lakhto Goan industries, hospitals and academic institutions topursueintellectual propertyrights(IPR). A task force will be formed to scrutinise and clear incentives under the scheme, which will remain effective till September 2022.

The scheme, called the financial incentives for certification andintellectualproperty rights reimbursement scheme, is part of the state incentives to encourage investments scheme, 2017 (umbrella scheme).

A similar scheme was notified in 2003 and 2017, but the department has amended the scheme as per changes introduced by the Centre.

The department will reimburse 100% of actual expenditure per certification up to Rs 8 lakh, while a cap of Rs 15 lakh has been fixed for IPR.