Unification of Mizo inhabited areas into single admn MNFs goal: Zoramthanga

Mizoramchief minister Zoramthanga reiterated that unification of all the Mizo inhabited areas into a single administration has been the political objective of the ruling Mizo National Front (MNF) for more than 60 years.

On the demand for a separate administration by the Kuki-Zo people in strife-torn Manipur, which included the possible formation of Greater Mizoram, Zoramthanga said when the Late Laldenga formed the MNF on October 22, 1962, unification of all Mizo inhabited contiguous areas into a single administration was one of its ambitions. The Kuki-Zo leaders, including 10 tribal legislators of Manipur, during their meeting in Aizawl on May 17 resolved that a separate administration is the only solution for bringing peace while the possibility of joining a Greater Mizoram also featured in their discussions.

The Mizo people had lived together before the British colonial government trifucated British India into India, Burma and Pakistan, the CM said, adding that the partition of British India into Pakistan, India and Burma resulted in the division of Mizo-inhabited lands in the three countries.

The unification of Mizoinhabited areas in the Indian states of Mizoram, Manipur from the Assam state as Article 3 of the Constitution has Assam and Tripuracontinued to be a political ambition of theMNF party, he said, while Mizo inhabited areas in Myanmar and Bangladesh are labelled as iredenta.