Current Affairs Exam

UNDP Releases 2021 Multidimensional Poverty Index Report”>Multidimensional Poverty Index Report 2021 was released by UNDP and the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI).


The report estimates multidimensional poverty across 109 developing countries, with data from surveys ranging from 2009 to 2020.

These include 26 low-income countries, 80 middle-income countries and 3 high-income countries.

The index measures each persons deprivations across 10 indicators divided into three equally weighted dimensions.

Nearly half (644 million) are children under age 18.

About 8.2 per cent (105 million) are aged 60 or older.

Approximately 85 per cent live in Sub-Saharan Africa (556 million) or South Asia (532 million).

84 per cent (1.1 billion) live in rural areas, and 16 per cent (about 209 million) live in urban areas.

Over 67 per cent live in middle-income countries.

In India, five out of six multidimensionally poor people were from lower tribes or castes.

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