To provide employment to the local youth of the State in the private sector, the Haryana Government on Saturday said it has notified the implementation of The Haryana State Employment of Local Candidate Bill 2020 from January 15, next year.

The EMPLOYMENT for local youth was one of the main poll promises made by Jannayak Janata Party (JJP) during the assembly . Amidst hiccups, the BJP-JJP alliance managed to get the bill passed.

The Chief Minister said that the main objective of Haryana Government is to make more and more youth of the state employable by skilling them and promoting skill Education. He added that the Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Act, 2020 was duly passed by the Haryana State Legislative Assembly on March 2 and approved by the Governor of Haryana. Now, as per Section 1(3) of the said Act, the Haryana Government has issued a notification in the Official Gazette on November 6, 2021, specifying the date of its commencement as January 15, 2022.

He further added that the State Government has issued another notification on November 6 specifying the upper limit of gross monthly salary or wages under the said Act, under which the said limit has been reduced from Rs 50,000 to Rs.30,000.Therefore, now the Act will be effective from January 15 and from the date this Act will be applicable to employer of private sector companies, societies, trusts, limited liability PARTNERSHIP firms, partnership firms and any person who employs ten or more persons on salary, wages or other remuneration for the purpose of manufacturing, carrying on business or rendering any service in Haryana.

He said that it would be mandatory for all these employers to register all their employees drawing gross monthly salary or wages not more than Rs. 30,000 on the designated portal available on the official website of the Labour Department, Haryana. They will hire 75 percent (subject to condition) local candidates in all new recruitments for posts where the gross monthly salary or wages does not exceed Rs. 30,000. Violation of any provision of this Act will be a punishable offence.