To control post-partum haemorrhage, health dept to start using UBT

To combat postpartum hemorrhage, which is the largest direct cause of maternal mortality, the Health department is all set to make use of uterine balloon tamponade (UBT) among pregnant Women with severe bleeding during childbirth. The state is taking measures to bring the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) to 70 deaths per 1 lakh or below by 2030. The MMR in the state, which was 141 maternal deaths per 1 lakh live births in 2017-19, has reduced to 113 deaths per 1 lakh live births in 2018-20.
UBTs are a medical device for the treatment which are inserted inside the uterus and inflated by a healthcare staff to prevent the hemorrhaging for stabilizing the woman.

The health department is hopeful that with the use of UBT, they will be able to prevent maternal deaths by reducing the requirement for operation and also it will reduce the chances of blood transfusions.

In the state, there are 2,065 delivery points identified in the state, out of which 160 are centres with first referral Services.