To boost exports, cardamom farmers take organic route in Idukki

With increasing pesticide content affectingcardamomexports, theSpices Boardhas launched an initiative to promote organic methods in cardamom farming in Idukki. According to Spices Board officials, foreign countries, especially Saudi Arabia, are the major buyers of cardamom and since 2018 they have decided not to buy the cardamom from India due to pesticide content.

During the 2017-18 period, India exported 5,650 tonnes of cardamom. But since 2018, the export has got largely reduced. In the last financial year, India exported only 1,850 tonnes of cardamom and in the current FY it has been decided to export 6,500 tonnes. But the export till date stands at just 18 tonnes. We have checked six pesticides for a sample and found the content of two pesticides in the spice. Detection of pesticide residue above the maximum residue level affects the export and market of cardamom, said Spices Board assistant director VVijeeshna.

The Spices Board in association withKerala Agricultural University(KAU) will provide assistance to promote of cardamom in the district. Presently 15 farmers have shown willingness to turn to organic farming on a trial basis. The trial will be conducted on 165 hectares of land. If it is fetching the desired results, we can change to organic farming in the future.

Cardamom market was badly hit due to the pandemic with prices dipping from Rs7,000 per kg in August, 2019 to Rs 1,000-1,200 in September, 2021 in the local market. The Average price recorded at an auction held at the Spices Park in Bodinayakanur on Tuesday was Rs1,062/kg.