To boost e-vehicle sector, charging stations must: CII

Given that the electric vehicle is at a nascent stage, the state governmentmustsupport thesectorwith a two-pronged strategy of ensuring that electric vehicles are affordable while also ensuring an accommodative policy for manufacturers and energy providers in Goa, the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) said.

CII has also expressed concern over Convergence Energy Services Ltds (CESL) presence on the proposed board that will be constituted under the policy.

EV manufacturing is a nascent industry and needs as much government support as possible said CII as it urged the Goa government to consider linking the incentives to relevant Industrial Policy regulations thereby allowing EV manufacturing units in Goa to avail benefits under other policies.

CII has also recommended that vehicles which are purchased by obtaining subsidies under the Centres FAME2 scheme should also be able to get state incentives. It is advisable that Goa offers a higher purchase subsidy for electric two-wheelers to accelerate adoption. Since Goan manufacturers of EV, EVSE and charging units contribute to Indirect Tax collection and job creation in the state of Goa, the policy should provide an additional incentive to manufacturers based in Goa