Three Monuments in Adarsh Smarak Scheme

Andhra Pradesh’s three monuments have been designated as “Adarsh Smarak” in order to provide additional services.


According to the Adarsh Smarak scheme, three monuments in Andhra Pradesh have been identified to provide additional facilities and make them more suitable for tourists.

The monuments are as follows:

Nagarjunakonda Monuments
Salihundam Buddhist Remains
Lepakshi’s Veerabhadra Temple

About the Adarsh Smarak Scheme:

The Ministry of Culture launched the scheme in 2014 with the goal of improving visitor amenities at historical and archaeological monuments/sites.
It also aims to improve monument preservation.
The monuments on the list will have all of the tourist amenities required by international standards, such as wi-fi, signage, security, encroachment-free zones, interpretation centres, and so on.

The scheme’s objectives are as follows:

To make monuments more accessible to visitors.
To improve/provide restrooms, drinking water, signage, a cafeteria, and wi-fi access.
To provide interpretation services as well as audio-visual centres
To improve wastewater and garbage disposal, as well as to instal a rainwater harvesting system.
To make the monuments accessible to people with disabilities.
To carry out the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.