Though seizure of fake Indian currency notes (FICN) in the state in 2020 saw a 125 per cent decrease compared to that of 2019,Andhra Pradeshstood first in southern India and third in the country, according to the NCRB-2020 data.

A total of 17,705 FICN worth Rs 1,44,50,550 were seized in 2020 as compared to 40,000 notes worth Rs 3,70,85,600 in 2019. Of all the FICN seizures in the country, the highest was recorded in Maharashtra (Rs 83.6 crore), followed by West Bengal (Rs 2.4 crore), Andhra Pradesh (Rs 1.44 crore), and Nadu (Rs 1 crore). Investigating agencies believe that the counterfeit notes are being smuggled into India from Bangladesh through West Bengals Malda. The Malda-based syndicates smuggle the FICN through the Indo-Bangladesh border.