TheUDFsubcommittee, which was given the task to examine thefeasibilityofSilverlinesemi high-speed rail project ofKerala Rail Development Corporation(K-Rail), has in its report said that the ambitious project of theLDFgovernment was unviable and would pose seriousenvironmental issues. The report of the subcommittee, headed byIUMLleader and formerPWDministerMK Muneer, will be discussed by UDF at a meeting scheduled

The report is said to have pointed out that the project is expected to have huge cost overruns than the currently estimated figure of Rs 63,000 crore and will not be financially viable. It has also been said that as the Silverline project is going to use standard gauge, it cannot be integrated into the existing rail of the country.

Silverline is an ambitious project that aims to cover a distance of 530km from Kasaragod to Thiruvananthapuram in less than four hours. The project is facing criticism from a section of activists and the public over the huge costs involved amid fears of causing environmental damage. The project will require 3418 acres, including both RAILWAY and private land. Of the estimated project cost of Rs 63,941 crore, Rs 11,535 crore has been estimated for overall compensation.