TheArunachal Pradesh Governmentaims to innoculate 100 percent of the state’s population against Covid-19 by mid-August, chief minister Pema Khandu said.

As many as 7,91,371 doses of Covid-19 Vaccines have been administered in Arunachal Pradesh so far, including 6,42,785 first doses and 1,48,586 second doses, according to theUnion Health Ministry. As per the 2011 census, the state’s Population is about 12.6 lakhs.

There are currently 4,384 active Covid-19 cases in the state. A total of 39,634 recoveries and 204 deaths have been reported so far.

Other major issues were discussed during the meeting, including petroleum and hydrocarbon extraction and exploration, Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and System, CAMPA, construction of a road to Tali, multi-story parking in civil secretariat and elsewhere in the state capital, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (both rural and urban), implementation of MGNREGA, etc.