The Uttar Pradesh government has allocated over Rs 384 crore for relief funds to 11 lakh farmers across the state who suffered crop loss owing to unseasonal rains and recent floods in 2021-22.

Additional Chief Secretary (Rural Development and ) Manoj Kumar Singh told news persons in Lucknow on Friday, Following an assessment of crop losses, the government has pegged crop losses in the state at around Rs 384 crore. The State Government has released the compensation to respective district magistrates to distribute it among 11.44 lakh farmers through direct benefit transfer (DBT).

The state government released an installment of Rs 102 crore to be distributed as relief to over 2. 98 lakh farmers who have been affected by natural calamities. Earlier, the government had released three installments of Rs 74.60 crore for relief to about 2.08 lakh farmers, approximately Rs 160 crore for about 4.77 lakh farmers and a Rs. 48.20 crore for 1.39 lakh farmers identified after primary survey. This accounts for a total of over Rs 282 crore.