The Union ministry for Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) is working on a pre-feasibilitystudyfor the proposed multi-modallogisticspark, which is expected to come up around the state capital. Theparkwill be developed by a private player and the model concession agreement and request for proposal is in the pipeline.

MoRTH and theGoa governmenthave yet to identify a location for the park, which is one of the 35 being planned by the Centre across the country.

These logistics parks will enable optimum and efficient vehicular movement in the country and thus lead to reduction in vehicular pollution and congestion, and enable the reduction in Warehousing cost.

As part of a 2030 plan, the Centre has been promising to setup a multi-modal logistics hub inPanajisince January 2019, but State Government officials said that a logistics park in Panaji will be counter productive.

A multi-modal logistics park will require a vast container terminal along with a rail link to quickly move containerised cargo. The closest rail link to Panaji is the Karmali RAILWAY station.