The prestigiousinstitution of national importance(INI) status has been conferred on the Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT),Thanjavur. TheIIFPTis a national research and educational institute functioning under theUnion ministry of food processing industries.

Considering the significance of the IIFPT in the development of the Food Processing sector, the institute has been granted the INI status for improving the research standard further.

TheParliamenton July 26 unanimously passed the National Institute of Food Technology, and Management (NIFTEM) Bill, 2021 to declare IIFPT as an INI.

IIFPT director Dr C Anandharamakrishnan said the development would the pave way for the institutes functional autonomy for administrative policy decisions and establishing new departments to meet the requirement of skilled manpower. The INI status will also enable the institute to start new innovative courses and research in food technology.