The Odisha Government is working to make the State a hub of sports industries and is inviting businesses to set up manufacturing units, Minister for Energy, MSME, Industries and Home (MoS) Dibya Shankar Mishra said. “Going forward the Government will provide an ecosystem to help sports industries serve not only Indian requirements but also meet global demands,” said he while addressing the business leaders in an ASSOCHAM virtual meet on ‘Building Odisha State Capabilities for Global Value Chain’. Principal Secretary, Industries, Hemant Sharma said, “From the global value chain point of view, Odisha is emerging as one of the most important destinations for business.

Traditionally known as a mineral rich State, every mineral known to mankind is mined in Odisha and every mineral is required for any in the world. This resource business has led to a very intensive process of industrialisation in the State of Odisha, particularly in the last two decades.