The government informed theTelangana high courtthat thecommitteeof state and central authorities is on the verge of preparing a comprehensiveredevelopmentplan. The committee, formed by the high court to ensure conservation and protection of monuments in the state, has already identified 27 sites including Golconda Fort and Qutub Shahi tombs.

The counsel explained that the committee needed to analyse suggestions to formulate a clear plan. The field survey gave authorities useful first-hand information on the current situation, the counsel said. The bench sought a report from the panel by September 22.

It may be recalled that assistant solicitor general (ASG) Namavarapu Rajeswara Rao had made a field visit to Golconda Fort and Qutub Shahi tombs earlier and had raised issue over the structures mushrooming in the forts proximity. As many as 153 complaints had been lodged by central archaeological authorities with the over illegal structures within a 100-metre-radius of the Golconda Fort.