The Assamcabinet decided to give a one-time grant of Rs 1 lakh each to the next of kin of poor people who have died due to Covid-19 and were not government employees or were not getting government pension.

Cabinet ministerPijush Hazarikasaid, UnderPrarthanascheme, so far there are around 6,000 such beneficiaries (next of kin). The grant will be provided under this scheme. The amount will be handed over to beneficiaries onGandhi Jayanti. The state government has already rolled out two other schemes for children orphaned due to Covid and women who have lost their husbands to the pandemic. Each child, who has lost both parents, has been given a fixed deposit certificate of principal amount ofRs 7,81,200, a cheque of Rs 3,500 as the first monthly assistance which will continue till they attain the age of 24 years. On completion of 24 years of age, the principal amount parked as fixed deposit against each beneficiary would be credited to their bank accounts.
Under the scheme, for children below 10 years and adolescent girls with no guardian, the state government is taking steps to house such children in childcare institutions and provide funding towards their upkeep, including educational expenditure. Women who have lost their husbands have been given Rs 2.5 lakh as one-time support from theCMs relief fund and will also be entitled to the benefits of Arunodoi scheme along with a monthly widow pension under the ongoingIndira Miri Universal Widow PensionScheme.