The All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bhopal and Indian Institute of Science for Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal signed a Memorandum of agreement for five years. The ceremony was conducted at AIIMS Bhopal and was attended. Both the premiere Government Institutes of Bhopal will conduct cooperative research in field of public health, metagenomics, cancer epidemiology and treatment by sharing clinical specimens and technology for analysing the samples.

Both the Institutes will jointly organise seminars, workshops, conferences, faculty and student exchange. The ceremony was conducted at Aiims Bhopal and was attended by Prof. Sarman Singh, Director AIIMS Bhopal, Prof. Siva Umapathy, Director IISER Bhopal, Dean of both the Institutes and the Faculty Members. Prof. Singh and Prof. Umapathy look forward to the collaboration to perform translational research that will benefit the patient care in Madhya Pradesh.

The MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) will pave way to form a translational research cluster with other research Institutes in Madhya Pradesh. Prof. Arneet Arora, Head of Forensic Medicine and Dr Biswas, Dean Research expressed how the interdisciplinary research between the two Institutes has progressed over years and will lead to important discoveries. The MoU will further help accelerate this process of discovery.