Telangana urges Krishna River Management Board to stop HNSS project of Andhra Pradesh

After raising its objections over Rayalaseema Lift Irrigation Scheme (RLIS) and Veligonda projects of Andhra Pradesh, theTelanganagovernment dashed off another letter toKrishna River Management Board(KRMB), this time on Handri Neeva Sujala Sravanthi (HNSS).
The government asked the KRMB to stop AP from diverting Krishna water outside the basin till the Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal-II (Brijesh Kumar tribunal) finalizes the Shares of water and also stop the construction activity taken up in violation ofAP Reorganization Act, 2014.

TheENCsaid it is known to all that Krishna is a deficit basin and diverting water from it to outside the basin, basin areas adjacent to the river, suffer from severe scarcity of water. It is highly objectionable and does not stand to any logic or principles.