Telangana likely to hike its welfare dole in this years budget by Rs 30,000 crore

With the assembly slated for next year, the State Government is set to focus its attention on welfare schemes and subsidies. Sources said budget allocations for welfare schemes are likely to see a quantum leap by at least another Rs 30,000 crore in the 2022-23 state budget.

The state government is already spending Rs 58,000 crore annually on various welfare schemes and subsidies. Following allocation of another Rs 30,000 crore,Telanganawill emerge as the only state in the country to spend about Rs 90,000 crore on welfare schemes and subsidies, sources said. Chief ministerK Chandrasekhar Raoand Industry ministerKT Rama Raohave often claimed that Telangana is the only state implementing various schemes by allocating huge funds in the budget.

In the next seven years, government wants to cover 17 lakh Dalit families in the state. In the current years budget, government had allocated only Rs 1,000 crore under CMs Dalit Empowerment programme. Another major programme on governments radar is second phase of sheep distribution programme. Though it was announced a few months ago, the second phase is yet to be kicked off.