Telangana at number 4 in projects registered with RERA

is among the top four states in India in terms of number of projects registered with the state-level Real Estate Regulatory Authority (T-RERA).

Latest data obtained from across India shows Telangana had 4,002 real estate projects registered with T-RERA by February and 2,017 registered agents.

Maharashtra (33,154) has most registered projects and 11,231 registered agents, followed by Gujarat with 9,689 projects and 2,695 agents, and MP with 4,016 projects and 935 agents.

The neighbouring state of AP has 2,248 projects registered and 151 agents. In addition to these, there are 10 states where over 1,000 projects have been registered, including UP, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Rajasthan, and Karnataka.
Puducherry had the most registrations (194) among Union territories, while the national capital Delhi had only 34 registered projects.

Telangana and Uttarakhand (332 registered projects) are two states in the country that lack permanent authority and still rely on interim authority. In contrast, Telangana is the only state where no cases have been resolved. West Bengal is the only state that is yet to establish the authority, while Punjab has one in Panchkula and Haryana in Gurugram.