Target to plant more than one crore saplings in the next one year: Governor

Governor C.P. Radhakrishnan, while participating in the programme organised by the Forest Management and Conservation General Committee and Johar Bharat Federation in KNJ High School, Chakulia said that Environment protection has become the biggest challenge for the world today and the whole world is worried about it. Due to environmental imbalance, there is an increase in drought, extreme heat, no rain, unseasonal heavy rain, etc., due to which crores of people are affected. The main reasons for this are indiscriminate exploitation of“>Natural Resources, unplanned throwing of garbage and waste materials, construction of factories as well as lack of measures to prevent pollution from them, indiscriminate use of pesticides, lack of scientific technology. Non adoption and lack of information.

He said that industrial development is very necessary to meet the basic needs of the ever-increasing Population and increase their economic level. It is also necessary to increase the means of transport, but along with this the increase in tree plantation is also necessary in the same proportion.

The Governor said that today the ground water level is continuously going down. During my visits to different districts, people apprised me about the problems related to water level and Irrigation there. He directed the Deputy Commissioner and officials of the Irrigation Department to complete the pending projects for water harvesting soon. The attention of the State Government is also being drawn for this.

The Governor said that our state is full of mineral wealth, the country’s maximum mineral wealth is present here, if it is used in a planned way, then no power in the world can stop the prosperity of our state, just keeping in mind the environmental balance. Keeping this in mind, there is a need to work in this direction.