Tamil Nadus egg production: sunny side up

Nadu, the second largest egg producer in India, has seen a consistent increase in output over the past decade and a half. According to data from theRBI handbookofstatistics, TNsegg productionhas grown more than three times since 2004-05 when it produced 63,948 lakh. The tally grew consistently year on year 62,225 lakh in 2005-06, 80,435 lakh in 2006-07, 83,937 lakh in 2007-08, 88,098 lakh in 2008-09 and 108,476 lakh in 2009-10.

In the next ten years egg production doubled to hit 201,208 lakh in 2020-21. This despite disruption in both production and consumption during the pandemic years when misinformation about egg and chicken consumption impacted the sale of Poultry in the state. In 2020-21, TNs tally was second only toAndhra Pradesh, which produced 249,639 lakh eggs.