Tamil Nadu will never allow Karnatakas move to build dam across Cauvery at Mekedatu: Duraimurugan

TheTamil Nadugovernment reiterated that it would never allow theKarnatakagovernmentsMekedatudam plan across the riverCauverynear the inter-state border.

The ministers remarks came in the wake of theNational Green Tribunaltaking suo motu cognizance of a report published on April 15, alleging that some steps were being taken and materials had been collected near the proposed project area. The tribunal constituted a four-member committee of the Union Environment ministry, Cauvery Water Management Authority, Cauvery Neeravari Nigam Limited and forest department of Karnataka government to inspect the area in question and submit a factual as well as action taken report, if there was any violation.

The Nadu governments contempt petitions against the project appraisal directorate of Central Water Commission and the secretary of Karnataka Resources“>Water Resources department in December 2018 are pending in The Supreme Court.