Tamil Nadu: Power supply to 83,111 connections cut and restored to 77,015 , says Tangedco

Power supply to as many as 83,111 connections was disconnected due to the rains and inundation to avoid accidents such as electrocution. By 6 pm on Sunday they had restored the connection to 77,015 that is 92.7 per cent of the lines that were disconnected over the last three days. The disruption was primarily because of transformers being turned off or damaged by the rains.

On the other hand 17 transformers including eight 105 KVA transformers in Kuzhithurai division, five 63 KVA transformers and three 25 KVA transformers in Kuzhithurai and in Thuckalay divisions and a 250 KVA transformer in Nagercoil division were damaged by the rains. Structural damages were caused to three transformers of which two have been replaced.