Tamil Nadu needs to tweak its maternity policy

The signing of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) by more than 120 countries in 1979 was a move to change that.

India too has made some moves in that direction. In 1993, a provision was introduced in the Indian Administrative Service (Probation Service) 1954, stating that maternity leave during probation period shall not affect seniority.

States such asKeralahave tweaked rules in favour of women. As per Rule 6(g) of the Kerala state subordinate service rules, 1958, for instance, a woman on maternity leave during her probation is declared to be on duty.

In 2000, theSupreme Courtdirected theNew Delhi Corporationnot to deny maternity leave to muster roll women employees. Based on the judgment, in 2011, theMaduraibench of the Madras in the L Kannaki vs Secretary to government animal husbandry and Fisheries department, directed the state authority not to deny maternity leave and EMPLOYMENT to a woman casual labourer and to regularise her service.