Tamil Nadu: Kuruvai crop area will cross 5.2 lakh acres this year says A Annadurai

Kuruvai paddycultivationthis year will exceed 5.2 lakh acres as already planned and arrangements have been made to stock all varieties of Fertilizers to avoid shortage, state Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture director A Annadurai has said. About 65,000 tonnes of urea and sufficient stock of diammonium sulphate (DAP) are available and officials have been asked to ensure private fertilizer agencies dont indulge in misappropriations, he said after a consultation meeting with agriculture officials about the distribution of kuruvai special package.

Last year, 4.9 lakh acres of land was under cultivation, the highest in 46 years. This year we will cross the targeted area of 5.20 lakh acres easily. So far cultivation is being undertaken on 2.30 lakh acres in delta districts. Under special kuruvai package, 13,000 farmers have registered their names so far and around 1,600 have got inputs.