Tamil Nadu has right to prevent Mekedatu dam construction: Minister Duraimurugan

State Resources“>Water Resources minister Duraimurugan on Sunday said thatTamil Naduhas the right to prevent construction ofMekedatu damby theKarnataka governmentacrossCauveryriver.

Speaking to reporters in Vellore, Duraimurugan said that Karnatakas statements that they will construct Mekedatu dam is pure politics. It is their (Karnatakas) wish to construct Mekedatu dam and it is our right to prevent its construction. Karnataka saying that they will construct the dam is purely political, the minister said.

According to The Supreme Court judgment, there is a region called no mans land from lower Kabini to Biligundu, where the catchment areas fetch 80tmc water naturally. Nadu too gets its share of water from the no mans land. Building a dam there is not easy as they have to get the permission from Central water commission, pollution control board and forest department. he said.