Tamil Nadu government, which unveiled its new export promotion strategy recently, has identified six champion sectors to focus for the statesexports thrust.The champion sectors identified for strategy include automobile and auto components, textiles, food processing, leather and footwear, electronic and communication as well as machinery.

Unveiling the states Export Promotion strategy on Wednesday this week, chief minister M K Stalin had set out a target for the state to achieve $100 billion in exports by 2030. This requires the states exports to jump four-fold in just over eight years from the present $26 billion and hence the need to identify champion sectors for special focus as part of the strategy.

Nadu boasts of a diversified export basket in various sectors including automobile and components, machinery and instruments, electronic hardware, Software, readymade garments and accessories, yarns, fabrics and leather products. Manufactured goods account for a significant share of the states economic Growth and exports and hence it has traditionally focused on exportoriented manufacturing to foster high-value production.

According to the export policy, the value of merchandise from Tamil Nadu stood at Rs 11.55 lakh crore ($168.5 billion) between 2015-16 and 2020-21. In FY2020-21, Tamil Nadu accounted for 9% of the national exports.