Tamil Nadu government to name social media nodal officers to fact check all info

With Social Media redefining dissemination of news, theDMK governmentproposed the nomination of social media nodal officers who will fact check messages, news, photos and visuals pertaining to every department on social media platforms likeTwitter,Instagram,Facebook,YouTubeandWhatAppgroups.

A communique in this regard has been sent to all secretaries, heads of departments and district collectors on Wednesday. Each department has been told to nominate three nodal officers. The move comes in the wake of instructions from the chief secretary to enhance the performance of the government. There was a meeting scheduled to take place under principal secretary I to the chief minister with these nodal officers on Friday, which has been put off, said a senior official. Each nodal officer will have to provide their WhatsApp number, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter account IDs to the information department.

The reference and press release sections of the information and public relations department will have to go through all print and visual media and make a note of criticism and negative news published or telecast regarding the government and forward the same to the respective secretary, head of the department and collector everyday.