Private sector developing 73 oxygen plants in Rajasthan

Corporates inRajasthanhave committed to set up 73oxygenplants at government hospitals through donations andCSRfunds out of which four have become operational by the end of May.

While 27 of them are under various stages of development by the donated funds, the rest are getting implemented under the companies CSR activities.

During peak of the second wave, local industries had supplied more than 3,000 cylinders of Oxygen on daily basis.

Transportation of the medical oxygen had emerged as a major challenge following sudden increase in demand. The industries department under the Oxygen Management Group traced and acquired nearly 26,000 industrial oxygen cylinders.

Similarly, Shree Cement from itsPaliunit supplied 250 filled oxygen cylinders. SRK Oxygen plant in Chittorgarh was revived for generation 700 cylinders a day. Salasar Gases in Kishangarh, an old and closed LMO plant, was made functional for producing 600 cylinders a day.

The scheme was established in 2014 with the following goals:

Strengthen transmission and distribution networks in urban areas.

Measure distribution transformers/feeders/consumers in urban areas.

IT support for the distribution sector and strengthening of the distribution Network.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and IT-enabled balance urban towns schemes

The scheme is administered by the Ministry of Power, Government of India, and it focuses on urban power distribution.

Under the scheme, all discoms will be eligible for financial assistance

Under the overall supervision of the Power Ministry, Power Finance Corporation Limited (PFC) has been designated as the Nodal Agency for the scheme’s operationalization and implementation.

Biotech-KISAN Programme DBT

DBT has issued a Special Call under the Biotech KISAN Programme to improve agricultural productivity in the North East region.

It is a farmer-centric scheme for farmers developed by and with farmers under the Ministry of Science and Technology‘s Department of Biotechnology.

It is a pan-India programme that promotes and innovation in farmers while also empowering Women farmers.

It identifies and promotes local farm leaders of both male and female. In addition to facilitating knowledge transfer, this type of Leadership also helps to develop science-based Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture.

The goal is to understand the farmers’ water, Soil, seed, and market problems and provide simple solutions to them.

The programme connects available science and technology to the farm by first understanding the local farmer’s problems and then providing scientific solutions to those problems.

The Biotech-KISAN hubs are expected to provide the technology needed to generate agriculture and bio-resource-related jobs and better livelihoods for small and marginal farmers by ensuring biotechnological benefits.

NISHTHA The Capacity Building Programme

The Ministry of Tribal Affairs and NCERT collaborated to organise a NISHTHA Capacity Building Programme for teachers and principals of Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS).

120 EMRS teachers and principals completed the 40-day NISHTHA-National Initiative for School Heads’ and Teachers’ Holistic Advancement Program.

The capacity building programme aims to improve the quality of school Education through integrated teacher training and to build competencies among teachers and school principals. The teachers came from three different states: Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh.

More EMRS teachers from across the country will participate in the programme.

Sixth Edition of SDR 2021 Has Been Released

According to the 6th Edition of Report 2021 (SDR 2021) released by Sustainable Development solutions Network (SDSN).

India with a score of 60.1 has been placed at a hundred and twentieth rank out of a hundred sixty-five countries. Finland topped the Index accompanied by way of Sweden & Denmark.

For the 1st time seeing that 2015, all countries have shown a reversal in progress in accomplishing Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

SDR 2021 has been written by way of a crew of authors led via Professor Jeffrey Sachs, President of the SDSN and has been published by Cambridge University Press.

India Positioned in 51st Place in Annual Bank Statistics

According to Annual Bank Statistics of 2020 launched through Swiss National Bank (SNB), the Central Bank of Switzerland. India with Swiss Francs (CHF) 2.55 billion (INR 20,706 Crore) has been positioned at 51st place in the list of overseas clients cash in Swiss Banks during 2020.

The United Kingdom (UK) topped the listing with CHF 377 billion, accompanied by means of the US (152 billion). India was once ahead of countries like New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Hungary, Mauritius, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka in phrases of foreign clients in Swiss banks.