India-Denmark R&D – Green Fuels

At a recent virtual meeting, India and Denmark agreed to begin cooperation research and development on green fuels, including green hydrogen.


At a virtual meeting in January, the agreement was signed as part of the previously established “Green Strategic PARTNERSHIP Action Plan 2020-2025.”

Aside from the agreement, the India-Denmark Joint Committee examined national strategic priorities and advancements in both countries’ Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI).

Green plans in green research, technology, and innovation received special attention.

Five-Alarm Global Fire

According to the United Nations, the globe will confront five big threats in 2022. Fivealarm global fire is the name given to these dangers.


COVID-19, lawlessness in cyberspace,”>Climate Change, a bankrupt global financial system, and degraded peace and security are the five alarms.

The pandemic, as per the United Nations, benefits the wealthy while punishing the poor. The international financial system is insolvent.

In fact, a strong and stable financial system should be able to help countries cope with financial shocks.

Regrettably, this is not the case right now. Investments are being made that are lopsided. As a result, the recovery is lopsided. The term “lopsided” refers to the fact that one side is larger than the other.

Debt relief is denied to middle-income countries. Poorer countries are experiencing the slowest or no Growth at all.