UNESCO India Africa Hackathon Inaugurated

UNESCO India Africa Hackathon was inaugurated at Gautam Buddha University with a grand opening ceremony. The program extensively focused upon promoting engagement and collaboration of the student communities in India with the communities of African nations to develop ingenious and out-of-the-box strategies to tackle the problems faced by mankind.

While welcoming the African students, UP CM beckoned them to be a part of startups and innovation culture here in India. He also invited students to study in India and be India’s innovation partners. He concluded by extending his best wishes for a successful UNESCO India Africa Hackathon.

India Ranks 8 in Climate Change Performance Index 2023

India rose two spots to rank eighth out of 63 countries in thehttps://exam.pscnotes.com/Climate-change”>Climate ChangePerformance Index 2023 (CCPI). In theGreenhouse Gas Emissionsand Energy Use categories, the country was rated “high”. In the Climate Policy andRENEWABLE ENERGYcategories, it earned a “medium” rating.

The CCPI evaluates 59 countries and the European Union, which together generate over 90 per cent of globalgreenhouse gas emissions. Using standardised criteria, the CCPI looks at four categories, with 14 indicators: Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Renewable Energy, Energy Use, and Climate Policy.

It tracks the implementation of theParis Agreementby various countries.

In Greenhouse Gas Emissions, India ranked ninth. Under the category ofRenewable Energyand Energy Use, it stood at the 24th and ninth stop, respectively. And on Climate Policy, India ranked eighth.