Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Monday inaugurated project ‘Parivartan’ in Gurugram under which 600 diesel-run three-wheelers will be replaced by e-three wheelers in the first phase.

Under this initiative, e-auto rickshaws in place of diesel three-wheelers will run in Gurugram with the joint efforts of the of Gurugram (MCG), Gurugram Regional Traffic Authority and the Traffic Police.

Under the ‘Parivartan’ project, this drive has been started from Gurugram and a target has been set to run 5,000 e-vehicles. This project would be started not only in Gurugram but also in other metropolitan cities of Haryana.

Punjabs voters above 80 years, divyangs, and those affected by COVID-19 will now have the option of exercising their franchise through postal ballots. The State is slated to go for polls early next year.

As per the revised guidelines, the of India (ECI) has provided the facility of voting through postal ballots (PB) paper to senior citizens, who are above 80 years of age, Persons with Disability (PwDs) flagged in the electoral roll, and COVID-19 suspect or affected persons.

The revised guidelines, released the previous year, have already been implemented in the general Elections held in Bihar (December 2020), and in four states of Assam, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal, besides Union Territory of Puduucherry.

In these elections, held amidst COVID-19 pandemic, the postal ballot facility was extended to the senior voters who were considered to be the most vulnerable group.

As per the changes made in the guidelines, these category voters would be considered as absentee voters providing them the option of voting through postal ballot.

The ECI guidelines said that an absentee voter, wishing to vote by postal ballot, has to make an application to the returning officer of the constituency concerned during the period from the date of announcement of election to five days following the date of notification of the election.

Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar has lauded the unique initiative of the state government to launch Har Ghar Pathshala campaign to continue the studies of the students during the Covid-19 pandemic period.

The Governor said that keeping in mind the NEP, there was a need to move forward in the https://exam.pscnotes.com/Education-sector”>Education sector. He also stressed the need to have separate arrangements for special children. He appreciated that the state had almost achieved the target of first vaccination dose for the teachers. He also lauded the efforts of the department that online classes were being conducted regularly.

In the second phase of Mukhyamantri Vatsalya Yojana (MVY), Women Empowerment and Child Development (WECD) department Minister of Uttarakhand, Rekha Arya transferred Rs 3,000 to the bank account of each newly marked beneficiary of the scheme.

The WECD Minister said the Government is committed to taking care of such children who lost their parents or guardians to Covid-19 or any other disease in the past two years. She asserted that protecting such childrens assets and legal rights are also the departments responsibilities under this scheme besides

providing them monthly monetary assistance till they turn 21-year-old.

An amount of Rs 3,000 was transferred to every 1,062 beneficiaries on the first phase of the scheme as the first instalment on August 2 by Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, stated Arya.

On the second phase of the scheme, a total of 356 beneficiaries were marked in seven districts under MVY in which 186 beneficiaries are from Dehradun, 76 beneficiaries from Nainital, 40 beneficiaries from Haridwar, 21 beneficiaries from Bageshwar and Almora each, eight beneficiaries from Pithoragarh and four beneficiaries from Tehri Garhwal, informed the WECD Minister.

She said that the department has transferred Rs 3,000 to the bank account of each beneficiary through the online transaction and will continue to provide help to the eligible beneficiaries under the MVY scheme. The has provided financial help of Rs 3,000 to every 1,417 beneficiaries so far under MVY scheme.

In an initiative to connect the youth with skill development and vocational education, the Uttar Pradesh government has started imparting practical training in industries like health sector, operation of oxygen plants among others.

The government has chalked out an action plan to train over three lakh youths in various skill training schemes in the next six months.

“The government is also going to organise mega placement camps in over 25 districts soon to provide EMPLOYMENT opportunities to more youths of the state. In addition the government is imparting training to more than 41,000 youths for general duty assistant-critical care, as Covid frontline workers, emergency medical technicians, medical equipment technology assistants and more. Around 15,000 youth are to be trained as Oxygen plant operators. Presently, nearly 371 candidates are getting training.

Director, Directorate of Urban Administration, Vijaya Jadhav on Friday stressed on empowering poor women and motivating them to engage in self-employment She said this during training cum capacity building programme organised to Community Resource Servicemen (CRPs) under Dindayal Antodaya Yojna- National Urban Livelihood Mission (DAY-NULM) of all urban bodies through Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society (JSLPS).

Jadhav said that under NULM, CRPs of all urban bodies of the State would be given capacity building training through JSLPS. She directed that all Didi make at least 15 Women of their area aware and connect them with the scheme.

The Director gave certificates to all the trainees and congratulated them for their successful completion of training

The objective of the training program was to empower poor women belonging to self-help groups of urban areas, to develop their intellect and to develop mutual understanding among them. This training program was completely process based. Through this, the capacity building of the trainees was done.

Three Days Residential Orientation cum Screening Training Program of CRPs under DAY-NULM was organized from Wednesday to Friday at three different places in Ranchi under the supervision of Jadhav in which a total 120 trainees in groups of 40-40 were successfully trained.

The beauty of nature increases manifold due to the free movement of wild animals. Wild animals keep reminding them of the State of coexistence while living around the common people. Nature has made Madhya Pradesh a very rich green State. Therefore, Madhya Pradesh has spared no effort in creating a wildlife-rich State by paying special attention to wildlife conservation and management.

The result is that the State has got the status of Tiger State. Now the number of leopards is also the highest in the country. In terms of number of alligators and vultures, it has come in a position to become number one at the national level. The pleasant aspect is that the Satpura Tiger Reserve has been included in the potential list of UNESCO World Heritage Site. Satpura Tiger Reserve is the ideal shelter for many wildlife including tigers and the most favorable place for breeding.

Three years ago in the year 2018, the State got the status of Tiger State with 526 tigers in the tiger census. About 60 percent of these tigers are available in tiger reserve areas and 40 percent in other forest areas. Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve has maximum 124 tigers. Based on the preliminary trends of tiger census to be held in three phases in October this year, it can be said with confidence that Madhya Pradesh will again be on top in terms of tiger Population. This number is expected to exceed 700. The name of “Kalar Kali” tigress of Pench Tiger Reserve, which has made a very special contribution in getting the status of Tiger State, also holds the unique record of highest number of deliveries and birth of cubs in the world.

Gujarat to ban single-use, sub-75-micron plastics

After the government of Indias recent notification of the Plastic Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2021, theGujaratgovernment has started the banning of single-use plastics and is taking action against manufacturers of single-use plastics and of plastics less than 75 microns thick.

The Union Government, by amending the rules, is banning the use and manufacture of plastics thinner than 75 microns (plastic bags thinner than 50 microns were banned earlier) in a phased manner, from September 25 to December 2022.

In the new rules the words fifty microns in thickness have been replaced with the words seventy five microns in thickness with effect from September 30, 2021 and one hundred and twenty (120) microns in thickness with effect from December 31, 2022.

50% kids orphaned during Covid got aid: Rajasthan state child panel

The state child panel officials claimed that more than 50% of the children who had been orphaned during the pandemic have been provided the benefits announced by the government in June. The authorities had prepared a list of over 700 children who lost their parents due to Covid and the government had announced Rs 1 lakh for each child as immediate relief measure. Districts have been also asked to give the list of children who have been provided with the benefit.

The government will give Rs 2,500 per month to the child till he/she turns 18 as well as financial aid of Rs 5 lakh post turning 18. The government will also provide free Education to the orphaned children till Class 12.