Ministry of Rural Development launches Prajjwala Challenge inviting ideas, solutions and actions to transform rural economy

With an aim to invite ideas, solutions and actions that can transform rural economy, the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) has launched the Prajjwala Challenge. It is one of the platforms where ideas are invited from individuals, Social Enterprises, Start up, Private Sector, Civil Society, Community Based Organization, Academic Institution, Start-ups, Incubation centres, Investors etc having potential to transform the rural economy.

DAY-NRLM is one of the flagship”>Poverty Alleviation programs of the Ministry of Rural Development, which aims at creating efficient and effective institutional platforms of the rural poor, enabling them to increase household income through sustainable livelihoods enhancements and improved access to financial Services.

UNESCO heritage sites tentative list: Sun Temple & Vadnagar town Rock cut sculpture added

Three new cultural sites in India, including the iconic Sun Temple at Modhera, historic Vadnagar town in Gujarat, and rock-cut relief sculptures of Unakoti in Tripura, have been added to the tentative list of UNESCO . The UNESCO website describes a tentative list as an inventory of those properties which each State Party intends to consider for nomination.

The Sun Temple in Modhera, Gujarat, is dedicated to Surya Dev and is situated on the left bank of the Pushpavati River, a tributary of the River Rupan. It is the earliest of such temples, setting trends in architectural and decorative features and perfectly illustrating the Solanki style. Itscomponentsthe main temple shrine (garbhagriha), a hall (gadhamandapa), an outer hall or assembly hall (Sabhamandapa or rangamandapa), and a sacred pool (Kunda), now known as Ramakundaare all built in the Marugurjara architectural style. This eastfacingtemple is built of bright yellow sandstone.