Agro Climatic Zone is suitable land for growing a particular crop type.
It is essential to delineate the land in the country into agro-climatic zones for sustainable agricultural production.
The Agro Climatic Zone has two significant modifications – Climate and growing periods.
The Agro-Ecological Zone has four vital variables – climate, types, Landforms and length of the growing period.
An Agro-Ecological Zone is created from the Agro Climatic Zone. The land unit acts as a conditioner to climate and length of the growing period. There are 20 agro-ecological zones in India.
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research began the National Agricultural Research Project to set up zonal research centres in each agro-climatic zone.
These centres will analyse agro-ecological requirements and Cropping patterns in the regions.
There are 15 agro-climatic zones in India. They are,
Western Himalayas
Eastern Himalayas
Lower Gangetic plains
Middle Gangetic plains
Upper Gangetic plains
Trans Gangetic plains
Eastern plateau and hills
Central plateau and hills
Western plateau and hills
Southern plateau and hills
East coast plains and hills
West coast plains and hills
Gujarat Plains and Hills
Western dry region and islands.