Separate department to push for natural farming in Haryana

HaryanaAgriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture and farmers’ welfare minister Jai Prakash Dalal said the had started planning to establish a separate department to connect farmers of each village of the state with natural farming. Dalal said a separate budget was also expected for natural farming during the ongoing budget session of the Haryana state legislative assembly.

Dalal was in Kurukshetra University (KU) campus, where he held a press conference organised by the state agriculture department and said to discuss the topic of natural farming, a state-level workshop was being organised on the KU campus on March 8.

Rs 2.1 crore for Jharkhand to ramp up agri infrastructure

will sanction Rs 2,100 crore for FY 2021-22 in order to ramp up agricultural Infrastructure inJharkhandand disburse an additional amount of Rs 1,800 crore to the government for other infrastructural development work, NABARD chairmanG R Chintalasaid.

He also stressed on ramping up infrastructure on Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture Marketing in Jharkhand. There are many projects related to agriculture marketing in Jharkhand that are stalled due to a scarcity of funds. We will re-finance such projects at a meagre rate of 1%, he said.
He added, Since the formation of the state, we have sanctioned a cumulative amount of Rs 16,290 crore for 5,110 projects in augmenting rural infrastructure. Apart from funding the farm sector, we are helping in constructing bridges in rural areas for augmenting physical and rural infrastructure through greater allocations through our various corpus funds in the state.
NABARD is also going to provide Rs 1,700 crore to JharkhandRajya Gramin Bankin the current fiscal year.

Citing a survey of women and child development, the state government claimed that the rate of child malnutrition has reduced to 19.86% from 30.13% in Chhattisgarh. InChhattisgarh, nearly 1.70 lakh children have become free from malnutrition with the successful implementation of MukhyamantriSuposhan Abhiyaan(Chief Minister’s Nutrition Campaign) which started on October 2, 2019, said officials.

As per officials of Women and child development, Mukhyamantri Suposhan Abhiyaan proved to be successful in reducing Malnutrition rate in Chhattisgarh. According to the data of the “Vajan Tyohar” (weight festival) organized by theDepartment of Women and Child Developmentin the state from 2016 to 2022, the rate of malnutrition has dropped down continuously.
Women and child development department takes the weight of all the children in a particular period and determines the nutritional level during weight festival. In July 2021, weight of about 22 lakh children was taken by the department within 10 days and nutritional assessment was done. The has ensured that the data of the weight festival is verified by external agencies as well. Quoting the National Health Survey-5, state officials said that the rate of malnutrition has reduced in Chhattisgarh. The national Average for malnutrition is 32.1 per cent, while that in Chhattisgarh is 31.3 per cent. Thus malnutrition in Chhattisgarh is less than the national average. Besides, according to theNational Family HealthSurvey-4 year 2015-16, the rate of malnutrition in Chhattisgarh was 37.7 %, while the national average rate at that time was 35.8 %.

According to the survey report of NFHS-5, the rate of malnutrition in the state of Chhattisgarh has come down by 6.4 per cent and this rate has dipped to just 31.3 per cent now. The report of National Family Health had said that efforts made by the Chhattisgarh Government to reduce malnutrition have shown positive results, said states health officials.

Sharp rise in cyber crime in Madhya Pradesh this year

Rise incyber-crime casesreported inBhopalcontinue unabated in the first two months of the year 2022. Sample this: In the past two months alone, more than 600 such cases have been reported to the cyber-crime branch of city Police and the number is going up with every passing day.

In 2021, a total of 3,600 cyber-crime complaints were received at the cyber-crime branch. Cyber-crimes against Women including sextortion, sharing morphed pictures on Social Media, vulgar comments and opening fake social media accounts increased by a whopping seven percent during the first two months this year alone.

In 2021, crime against women comprised 25% of the total cyber-crime complaints that police registered. The rise this year can be guaged from the fact that in the very first two months this year, the number has increased to 32%. Worse, 65% complaints are related to online financial fraud cases apart from three percent miscellaneous cases complaints .

Gujarat govt expected to register 13% GSDP growth

Although the recently formed a high-level task force under former Union finance secretary Hasmukh Adhia, to prepare an action plan for corrective action to enhanceGujarats economic contribution to achieve PM Narendra Modis aim of a $5 trillion Indian economy by 2024, the statesGSDP(gross state domestic product) will have to increase its Growth rate by 25% per year.

However, state finance minister Kanu Desai projectedGSDP growthof 13% in his budget speech

NREGA: 6.2 lakh families in Rajasthan complete 100 days work

With just a month to go for the financial year (2021-22) to end, 6.24 lakh families inRajasthanhave so far completed 100 days of work under theMGNREGAscheme. In 2020-21, 12.31 lakh families had completed 100 days of work under the scheme, which was an all-time record for the state.

According to officials in the department, the demand for work under the scheme has gone down as only 17.77 lakh labourers were engaged on Sunday. They say the demand for work under the scheme has gone down as agricultural season has started in the state.
According to the MGNREGA portal, 14.67 lakh families have completed 81-99 days of work, 5.65 lakh families have completed 71-80 days of work under the scheme, 5.60 lakh have completed 61-70 days of work and 5.80 lakh families have completed 51-60 days of work so far. Also, 69.46 lakh families have been engaged in NREGA work in this financial year so far, as against 75.43 lakh families in 2020-21.

The states approved labour budget (37.35 crore) for MGNREGA for the ongoing financial year (2021-22) has already been utilised. The states rural development and department has urged the Centre to revise the labour budget to 43 crore for the current financial year.
For this financial year, the Centre had earlier revised the labour budget to 37.35 crore looking at the huge demand for MGNREGA work in the state in view of the Covid. The state has generated 39.31 crore persondays under the scheme so far. Last year (2020-21), the labour budget amounting to 46 crore was utilised in the state.