Nagaland govt to focus on equal opportunities for all

The Nagaland government will establish community-owned old age Home daycare centres and District Disability Rehabilitation Centre (DDRC) in all the districts to provide equal opportunities to people in all spheres of life by 2030, according to the SDG vision document. Reducing inequalities is one of the 17 goals of the Nagaland SDG Vision 2030 document released by Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio recently in the state capital. In Nagaland 1.5 per cent of the total Population (19.75 lakh 2011 Census) has at least one form of disability while around 7 per cent of the population is over the age of 60 years, maintained the Vision document. The document said that while many schemes are being implemented, ensuring an inclusive Society at a state-wide level is a difficult task.

Rough topography, poor connectivity in terms of Communication, transport and IT and lack of basic in the remote areas hamper service delivery, it said. Lack of care for mentally challenged, elderly, non-accessibility of bank accounts and aadhaar cards are some other challenges, which the Vision document said causes great difficulty in reaching out to those vulnerable populations especially those who are inhabited in remote locations, leaving them behind. The document also revealed that lack of community participation, cooperation and support and also ignorance of the various schemes by deserving beneficiaries are set back in delivering Services effectively.

The State Government by 2030 through the Department of Social Welfare hopes to establish community owned old age homes and day care centres in every district to cater to the needs of the increasingly neglected elderly populations. The government would initiate residential care to the mentally challenged for their Education, training, guidance, welfare and rehabilitation. It would also formulate schemes for ensuring EMPLOYMENT of persons with disabilities (PWDs) by government bodies, training and welfare of PWDs, relaxation of upper age limit, regulation of employment and creation of congenial work Environment and constitution of authority responsible for the administration of such schemes

:Meghalayachief ministerConrad K Sangma said there was likelihood of joint meetings between regional boundary committees of both Meghalaya andAssamafter the autumn session of the assembly gets over.

Interacting with reporters after going through the first report of regional boundary committees of the state, the chief minister said, there were micro-details in the reports regarding different communities settled along the disputed inter-state boundary, the number of villages, the administrative convenience available, whether they were in the Meghalaya or theAssam Census.

The crucialOdishaPanchayat Laws (amendment) Bill, 2021 and theOdisha Municipal Laws(amendment) Bill, 2021 have been listed to be tabled in the state assembly.

The amendment of both the laws is required to keep the electoral reservations within 50% in the institutions and the Urban Local Bodies. The passage of the bills will also pave the way for the panchayat and the urban local body Elections in the state likely to held early next year.
Though the details of the bills are not known, sources said the State Government has made provisions in them to ensure adequate representation of the backward classes in the local body elections.

Ahead of the festival season,Tamil Naduhas gone on a hyper vaccination mode to cover entire populations in two major tourist destinations – Ooty and Kodaikanal – with at least one dose, health ministerMa Subramaniansaid.

Besides tourists’ destinations, healthcare providers have been vaccinating towns with popular places of worship. For instance, vaccinations with at least one dose has been completed for all adults inPalani. The coverage with one dose is likely to be completed in other places of worship such asVellankani, Nagur and Tiruvannamalai. “In the next four or five days, we will be completing vaccinations atNagaurand Vellankani, where more than 95% of adults have taken the first dose,” he said.

The fifth edition of the HacKP, the online international hackathon competition of the state police that came with the theme demystifying the dark web has resulted in Grapnel, a tool that will help police keep tabs on the mysterious world ofdark web.

The high cost of the Software available in the market to patrol the dark web made the Police think of the possibility of building an own software, using the best minds who participated in HacKP online from all over the world.

HacKP 2021 was conducted virtually this year in the wake of the pandemic, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise as more participation of the best minds from all over the world could be ensured in the event. The event provided the participants opportunities without restraints of location and time zone.

About 20 districts in Karnataka are among the top 50 in the country to implement the ambitious eSanjeevani scheme, under the National Telemedicine Service (NTS) of the Union government. The state is in the second position after Andhra Pradesh.

Despite the lack of Internet penetration, the initiative has now completed 1 crore consultations across the nation, of which nearly 20 lakh is from Karnataka. Interestingly, some of the backward districts of North-Karnataka are also leading, indicating the dedicated field work carried out by the district Health departments. As OPDs were closed during the lockdowns, more people started to use this service and now continue the same for risk-free consultations.

According to the data shared by the Union health and family welfare department, Ballari has recorded the highest engagement registering 1,34,967 consultations which is also higher than Bengaluru urban district. It is ranked 13th place in the country. The NTS comprises of two variants of eSanjeevani namely doctor to doctor (eSanjeevani AB-HWC) telemedicine platform that is based on a hub and spoke model and patient to doctor telemedicine platform (eSanjeevaniOPD) which provides outpatient Services to the citizens in the confines of their. The former was introduced in 2019 and the latter was in April 2020.

TheTelangana Save Education Committee(TSEC) asked the state to withdraw GO No 25 and form a committee to study reasons for low student strength ingovernment schoolsinstead of just closing down or reducing the number of teachers in the name of rationalization.

The committee said that students are not joining government schools because of alack of teachersand added that the state now is showing less strength as a reason to shut down schools instead of taking measures to improve enrolment. They said that the number of classrooms should be increased in government schools so as to conduct physical classes and that each primary school should have at least two teachers.

In an attempt to take all services to the doorsteps of the people, the government is shortly planning to start banking services at Rythu Bharosa Kendras (RBKs). The government has already written to the banks through the lead bank, requesting them to post theirbusiness correspondentsin every RBK. An official communication was sent to the lead bank last week, which in turn has written to the other banks, sources said.

The government has established over 11,000 RBKs in the state to provide one-stop Services to farmers. The RBKs provide seeds, Fertilizers, pesticides and maintain records on farmers, crops and pattern. They also help farmers find a market for their produce.

The government has already planned provision of Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture tools at RBKs, which the farmers can hire and use for a nominal price. The government is also procuring harvesters, tractors and other machines for farmers use.

The government has written to the banks through the lead bank, requesting that business correspondents be posted in every RBK. These financial services have already been started in Krishna district, with business correspondents in 634 RBKs.

The state government has identified land in Dharbandora taluka, near theSanjivanisugar factory, for setting up of the India International University of Legal Education and Research ofBar Council of IndiaTrust.

During the monsoon session of legislative assembly, the passed the India International University of Legal Education and Research of the Bar Council of India (BCI) Trust at Goa Bill, 2021.

Earlier, the state cabinet had granted its nod to the bill. There is a provision by which the India International University of Legal Education and Research may also establish centres in other parts of India, and abroad.

As many as 3,371 residential projects across the state have been declared “lapsed” between 2017 and 2021 because the builders were unable to complete them in the deadline they had set while registering their projects with the MahaRera. Of these, 453 projects are in Greater Mumbai, according toMahaRera’s list of “expired” projects.

The validity of MahaRera registration for these projects has expired. The promoter shall not advertise, market, book, sell or offer for sale, or invite persons to purchase in any manner any plot, apartment or building, as the case may be,” the regulatory authority said.