Swiss: First Airline to Use Solar Fuel

Lufthansa and Swiss have started strategic cooperation with the manufacturer Synhelion for market launch.

Technology has been developed for producing sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) from sources by Synhelion, a spinoff from the Swiss Institute of Technology in Switzerland.

Under this deal, the Lufthansa Group and Swiss will help in developing the commercial fuel production facilities in Spain that have been planned by Synhelion.

Montreux Convention

This convention was signed to address the long-running Straits Question of who should manage the strategically important route between the Black and Mediterranean Seas.

During wars, this pact gives Turkey the right to regulate the naval warship transits and blocking of the strait for warships of the countries in conflict.

The Montreux Convention Regarding the Straits Regime, or simply the Montreux Convention, is an international treaty that governs Turkeys Bosporus and Dardanelles Straits.

Military warships are restricted in terms of tonnage, number, and weaponry, with specific rules that govern their duration of stay and mode of entry.

Convention on Cluster Munitions

The Convention on Cluster Munitions is a humanitarian imperative-driven legal instrument which prohibits all use, production, transfer and stockpiling of cluster munitions. In addition, it establishes a framework for cooperation and assistance to ensure adequate assistance to survivors and their communities, clearance of contaminated areas, risk reduction“>Education and destruction of stockpiles.

The cluster convention ejects explosive bombs that are designed to kill personnel, destroy vehicles and critical like power lines, disperse chemical/biological weapons, etc.

123 states have joined the Convention, with 110 states that have ratified it, and 13 states have signed the Convention but not yet ratified it. (As of 10thFebruary 2022).

Russia and Ukraine are not signatories to this convention.

WHOs pandemic treaty to prevent future global health disasters

Members of the World“>Health Organisation (WHO) held the first round of negotiations towards the pandemic treaty on February 24, 2022.

In December 2021, the World Health Assembly agreed to start a global process to draft the pandemic treaty. The need for an updated set of rules was felt after the COVID-19 pandemic exposed the shortcomings of global health systems. The Health Assembly adopted a decision titled The World Together at its second special session since it was founded in 1948.

Under the decision, the health organisation established an intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) to draft and negotiate the contents of the pandemic treaty in compliance with Article 19 of the WHO Constitution.

More than 437 million COVID-19 cases have been globally reported so far, and more than 5.9 million people have lost their lives. In India, over 34 million cases have been reported so far. Death toll stands at over five lakh.